

Sap (Lv10)

  • Disorients the target for a short period. Only 1 target may be sapped at a time. Requires stealth; Only works on Humanoids that are not in combat; Any damage will revive the target.

Kick (Lv12)

  • Provides a temporary boost to automatic attack speed; lasts longer per combo point.

Vanish (Lv22)

  • The rogue vanishes, entering improved stealth for 10 sec. Breaks root effects. As of Patch 1.12, this also removes tracking spells such as Hunter's Mark and Mind Vision.

Cheap Shot (Lv26)

  • Stuns the target for 4 seconds. Damage will not break the effect. Requires stealth

Kidney Shot (Lv30)

  • Stuns the target for a certain amount of time based on combo points. Almost essential for most stunlocks.

Blind (Lv34)

  • Causes the target to wander randomly at reduced movement speed for a short while. Cancelled if target takes further damage. Since Patch 2.3.0, Blind became a physical attack, Blinding Powder requirement is removed.

Cloak of Shadows (Lv66)

  • Instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects and increases your chance to resist all spells by 90% for 5 sec.

Shadowstep (Lv50+ talent)

  • Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy and increases movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds. The damage of your next ability is increased by 20% and threat is reduced by 50%. Lasts 10 seconds. (Does not require Stealth)